Planning for my music video

 The song i chose was Sofia by Clairo. The props i will be using are people and items like ice cream and different clothing items. Maybe some bikes and soccer balls like they are doing an activity. The costumes will just be two like cute outfits for the appropriate time of day and weather. We live in Florida so its a little hard to get the right type of weather i would want. I would want a cute type of fashion though so maybe skirts and cute tops or some stylish pants and pair them with converse. Im not quite sure if i'm going to use two girls or change it around a little. I plan to use multiple different locations near me. I want to use the park for a some, walk around Las Olas for that late night city effect. I want to also use a little ice cream shop and the street so they ride the bike down the streets.  


During the thanksgiving break i plan on filming the most of what i need since i have the time.

On the 11/23 i plan on starting my filming process and doing the scenes that need a location such as the park and ice cream shop. 

on the 11/24 i plan on doing night filming such as on las Olas and the streets just at night.

11/26 I plan on doing the last bit of filming and then also going over all the footage to see if i need to reshoot anything.

11/27 i plan on editing the whole video and putting it all together.

11/28 I re watch the whole thing with a fresh mind and fix anything that needs to be changed. 

My back up plan will be to adjust the whole video and try to adapt to the changes so if i cant get anyone in the video i will film the scenes as if its going back in time and reminiscing the old times. If the weather is acting up such as raining i will add it in as if i planned for it.


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