Planning story board for my music video


My music video is based off of two girls who are in love with each other but have their problems with the judgement of the rest of the world. I wanted to present their story by including the idea of happiness. I plan on using not only two girls but also a male and female couple and maybe a male and male couple. The way i plan on doing this is certain scenes i switch off the couples but whatever scene that is i keep consistent. I want these scenes to help show a real connection bet.t.tween these people. It's the simple moments that create the most memorable memories. I also want my music video to bring light to real world problems. This is an issue we deal with everyday, many couples apart of the LGBTQ+ community face criticism about this everyday and continue to get hate for it. I want everyone to see that it's okay to be who you are no matter where you are or what you're doing. Although i dont have a connection to this video personally myself i do in a way. I know people close to me who are apart of the LGBTQ+ community and face criticism about this topic, so much to the point they are afraid to tell others. Each of these places represent a place where it might be more i hate to say it but "risky" for couples and more private where they might not have as many problems. I want those watching this video to see what happiness and what problems they face. I want to my video to make an impact on people to be better. These scenes are supposed to show what peace could really look like. Make sure their is joy but also a message being sent. This video is very important to me and i hope it makes an impact.


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