Creative Critical Reflection

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

My music video has used a variety of different conventions. The first convention is the camera angles. In this project i used multiple different angles than i did last time. The angles i used give a good idea of the point of view were trying to get. It is like you are there up close but not really you are just watching her from afar. I used a pan scene to show the location to get a feel for where she is. I wanted to make sure that she was viewed in multiple different perspectives as if it is almost her not even knowing she’s being watched. When in reality everyone can see her and the pain she is in. It was important to also include that she was not only just walking around being sad but also observing those around her who are in happy stable relationships and how she wishes that could be her. The camera movement is also another big thing. Throughout the entire video the camera is never still watching from afar except for maybe one seen. For the most part it is always following being or in front of her or as it films he staying in one location it is going around trying to get different aspects. The mis-en-scene used in this video is helping show how she’s trying to move on from her past but she can’t. She’s going out and getting ready but she isn’t doing anything she’s simply going back to these places to think back to the times she misses. You can see in the outfits worn she’s trying to look decent but she’s not trying to hard because she doesn’t want to be noticed. During the scene outside in the city she wore leggings and a sweater. And during the scenes outside in the park or as she’s walking to the park she’s wearing shorts and a regular T-Shirt. Notice how her hair isn’t done nor is her make up she’s simply getting ready to just go out and take time to herself. The editing done in this not to complicated it's just a simple fade to the next scene. Its as if you are blinking and going to see the next place she is in and its bringing you back. This whole video is about not just a nation wide but a worldwide issue which is rights among the lgbtq+ community and their struggles with everyday life showing affection towards each other without getting hate. Now you may not see it in this video because she is simply just doing self reflection but she is feeling pain because of what she is reflecting on. If you listen to the lyric of the song especial this one specific where it says “ Sofia, know that you and i shouldn’t feel like a crime” it goes into depth on the real issues of the world. This lyric has a lot of power within it because they can’t express their emotions towards each other in public without feeling in the wrong and maybe not everyone feels that but i know i vast majority do. Its really a shame and to tie this into the music video if you think that’s what tore them apart. They couldn’t take the challenges that came with the relationship so they had to end it. 

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

The way my product engages with the audience is not by what is seen although its important you get your idea across but with the lyrics of the words and how everything was presented. I wanted to make sure there wasn’t too much going on in the video because maybe its just me but when i am listening to music or a watching a music video i’m watching what’s going on but also importantly i’m listening to the lyrics of the song. Im trying to figure out what the message is trying to get across. Isn’t that the whole reason why people produce music because its not only entertaining for others but it’s also expressing how they feel and what they want to get off their chest. Thats just my opinion which is why i chose the song to use because its sending a message to the audience and i think that’s what is most important. It is also important to make sure your music video ties into what the point you are trying to get across but if you have the chance in anyway make sure you are spreading a message. This song is meant to get listeners to really hear the struggle of a gay relationship and how its tearing people apart that they can’t be together because they are scared of the judgement. Im trying to get people to think about how they don’t have these problems unless you are in the LGBTQ+ community or even a person of color. I guess what im saying is the way this is engaging with the audience is by making them reflect and thing about their lives and how they can do better or help or just observe those around you. This is distributed as real media text because its taking someones emotions and using them to put towards a part in a video to help show a representation form of how others feel. There is no real way to feel the way of those who are struggling but we can certainly try to put ourselves in their shoes and try to get an idea. In the video she’s reflecting. If you listen to the words see how she’s revisiting the location where favorite memories were made and think about what she may be thinking about and reflecting on such as “why did i let this happen” “should i have fought” “was this the right choice” these are all questions to think about. try to tap deep inside and figure it out. Find out what they are feeling get a sense of it rather than just sit and watch. You can also use this to change. Change your ways and how you view things. Instead of thinking how does this help me or effect me figure out “how can i help others” “what can i do to make a change.” Take what you figured out and use it to your advantage in the real world and find out how to help.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

When i started this video i had a bit of knowledge from my previous video. I had to edit and film but this project was bigger than just a commercial. I had to step out of what i thought would be safe and in my comfort zone i had to do more than just short video clips of me talking to Alexa showing simple tasks. Not only with the filming but the editing too and the ideas. Now this video did not go how i expected it to. There were many ups and downs and a lot of challenges but i tried my best to work my way through it. Im still learning so i know its not perfect but i tried my best to adjust to certain circumstances. This wasn’t my first project but it was my first big project. It took a lot of planning and time. It wasn’t easy to just quickly get it done i had to make sure i was satisfied with everything i did. My first project i had quite a simple video concept and not many different angles maybe a few pan and still shots but that’s it. I knew i couldn’t just do that for this video so i decided to take lots of different shots from different angles whether it was from behind, in front, or moving around the person. It was all different completely different from my last video. I learned how to hold the camera better. I wanted it to look as if we were watching her but like not like she knew we were watching. Basically as if we were just the world admiring her in her environment. Not only did i learn how to switch up the angles and just record everything and anything i could use, i learned how to edit better and figure things out more. Last time i used a different editing software and it was okay but i think the one i used this time was a lot better. It was easier tp figure out and there were a lot more options to choose from. I figured out how to put clips together better and make sure they made sense instead of just plopping them on. Overall my production skills have just gotten better especially since my last project. 

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

  Since i had no filming camera i used my phone to film everything. Lucky for me my phone has good quality. First i filmed everything i needed and once i was done with that i imported it to my computer. I did this by connecting my phone to  my computer with the charging cable and selected everything that need to be used. I saved all of this footage to my computer and created a separate folder for just this video. I Next i went onto youtube and searched up the song i was going to use. I picked out the right audio and opened a new tap and searched for an MP4 converter. I put in the link and downloaded it to my computer and added it to the folder with all the footage. I thought about using the imovie software i used last time to edit my video but i remembered i had trouble with it last time. I decided to go with a different one and i’m glad i did. It was a lot easier to figure out and navigate than the last one was. Once i decided what software i wanted to use it was time to take all my footage and move it on there. I opened my folder and exported everything onto the software. Then it was time to separate the audio from the original video that came with it. This was quite easy i just had to click a button. Once i was done i picked all of the footage i wanted to use and then put it into order. Once i was done with that i moved onto the cutting of the scenes and the transitions. This was quite easy i just had to get the right times. I then put a filter over everything to help with the lighting and then i was done.


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