
 Since there was a late start to the filming process there was a rush into the editing process as well.  I imported all my footage onto my computer after i was done with filming but in that process something messed up. When i thought all my footage was on my computer i removed it from my phone. Then when i went back to edit it i looked for all the footage and it turns out i lost it all. Im going to re film everything this weekend but heres what i have planned for when i edit. I plan on put my scenes in a way where she's remenicing the times with the girl she loves. Im going to try and fade these scenes together or some form of a transition so it looks smooth. Depending on the quality of the videos im going to add a nice filter over the video to make sure it looks good and clean. My video is going to be sort of the same concept my commercial was. I want to cut scenes and then go back to them after a few scenes. This video is supposed to be about a girl going back and thinking about how much she loves this other girl. Their problem is they are facing the issues in society. She's going back to the places where they had the most trouble but also wanted to make the best memories. The scene in the street is to show how lonely she is now without the girl she loves. She believes they can make it no matter what. This song is trying to express the difficulty that comes with life but also proves that love is stronger than people think. Its important people see these problems and emotions to help them get a better understanding. I want to make this video more of an informative video to show something thats really important. This video is supposed to shed light on an issue that is bigger than people think.


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