Genre Research: drama
The final genre i have decided to use for my opening sequence is drama. This is because my film is a drama due to the storyline. It is a bit of a deep piece based on what it is about. I came to this conclusion because i want my piece to have meaning. I mean i understand maybe the idea may be a bit basic due to the fact that there are many other films that have been made like this one. What people never get tired of is the bond between a dog and their owner. It shoes a different connection between the two. They have a bond like no other and no one can replace that. A dog is always loyal to its owner they are best friends. Many dogs are loyal and there to the end no matter what. Its a support system that cant be replaced by anyone. When you go through something dogs can sense it and they want to always comfort and be there for you. When you meet a dog there is a deep connection right from the beginning. You grown together no matter what state of life you are in. That’s what my film ...