
Showing posts from February, 2021

Genre Research: drama

 The final genre i have decided to use for my opening sequence is drama. This is because my film is a drama due to the storyline. It is a bit of a deep piece based on what it is about. I came to this conclusion because i want my piece to have meaning. I mean i understand maybe the idea may be a bit basic due to the fact that there are many other films that have been made like this one. What people never get tired of is the bond between a dog and their owner. It shoes a different connection between the two. They have a bond like no other and no one can replace that. A dog is always loyal to its owner they are best friends. Many dogs are loyal and there to the end no matter what. Its a support system that cant be replaced by anyone. When you go through something dogs can sense it and they want to always comfort and be there for you. When you meet a dog there is a deep connection right from the beginning. You grown together no matter what state of life you are in. That’s what my film is a

Title Research : Watch the titles website

  This websites shows multiple different titles and features on producers and movies. What this website mainly is are articles about movies and interviews. If you scroll down there are categories on many different types of movies. This doesn’t just talk about movies but it also shows tv show titles, video games, and student projects. There are many more elements to this website and those are just a few. Just like other websites there are navigation tools to help you get around. Each article is unique and different and there is a wide variety of movie titles tv shows and so much more. This website is also another good resource to use when learning about films. Reading articles and process about how they are made is very i useful to use. Its important to use as many resources as possible when working on a film project so you really get a better idea of things. 

Title Research: Art of the title website

  In this website as you look around just from the front page you see a article link and multiple pictures. As you scroll down you can see multiple articles. The website also has a category selection to organise certain titles that you can find. It also has a search bar for you to look up certain things to find. As i’ve gone more into depth about this website i’ve learned that its about how writers come up with titles and the filming process of certain shows and movies. There are many different titles that are recognised on this website. It lists designers and the studios of many people who have created and produced these films. There is also the list of titles you can go through. This website is very interesting and informative about making films and titles and the process of it. Its useful when you want to make a film of some sort. 

Genre Research: The Karate kid

  The elements that this movie has in the genre i have picked are the storyline of the movie and how it is filmed. A young boy is struggling and trying to find himself and as he tries he gains a mentor. His mentor is hard on him and isn’t just teaching him karate but teaching him life lessons along the way. He takes him under his wing as his own son since the young boy doesn’t have a father in the picture. It is a long journey for him but he really learns how to solve his problems and stand up for himself. What i like about the movie is it takes you on the whole journey through the good and bad. It shows real problems and how its not bad to confront them. This movie shows a healthy way of coping and finding a way to get rid of your anger and other emotions in another form. What did not appeal to me about this movie was i guess maybe the setting it wouldnt be my first choice. Another thing i don’t necessarily like is how the mentor approaches these problems i understand sometimes there

your pitch

 The first pitch i would like to make is about a Teenage girl who has lost their mother and gets a dog as a comfort to help her cope the dog and her become best friends and get through the tragedy together. My second pitch is how a young girl finds herself slipping and falling into a deep whole and then something switches her whole life around when she realises something. I would not want to make the first film because it requires to touch to a deep emotion in some parts. It can be dramatic and it also involves animals which can be hard to control sometimes. I wouldn’t want to make the second film because it’s not as intresting of a topic and isn’t as creative as the others. The Pitch that i have chosen to do as my final task is a young girl and a dog bond and help each other get through the loss of their parent. I came to the decision of this being my final task based on what i find interesting. When i look for a movie and i’m watching trailers i like to watch the ones with the most m

starting the final task

 My name is zoe zeilmann and i am in 10th grade. I have been taking this class since August and I have been learning alot more than I knew before. I have decided to work by myself on this project. The reason for this is because im more of an independent person. I like to do things at my own pace and my own way i just find it easier. I’m all for team work but for big projects like this im aware it could be easier but also people have a lot of ideas and it can be harder to make decisions. I find AICE Media fun because i get to try new things and learn lots of new things. There’s a lot of creativity that goes into film making in how things are put together. I have a very creative imagination and i like trying out new things which is why i like AICE Media. This class helps bring out something new in me because its not in my comfort zone. I like to share my ideas with people when i know i wont use them and im aware that may sound selfish but its true. If i know i wont be using certain ideas