your pitch

 The first pitch i would like to make is about a Teenage girl who has lost their mother and gets a dog as a comfort to help her cope the dog and her become best friends and get through the tragedy together. My second pitch is how a young girl finds herself slipping and falling into a deep whole and then something switches her whole life around when she realises something. I would not want to make the first film because it requires to touch to a deep emotion in some parts. It can be dramatic and it also involves animals which can be hard to control sometimes. I wouldn’t want to make the second film because it’s not as intresting of a topic and isn’t as creative as the others. The Pitch that i have chosen to do as my final task is a young girl and a dog bond and help each other get through the loss of their parent. I came to the decision of this being my final task based on what i find interesting. When i look for a movie and i’m watching trailers i like to watch the ones with the most meaningful stories. Adding an animal to this movie also gives me the opportunity to work with an animal which i love doing. Not only does it feel nice to work with animals but it’s also a heart warming touch to the movie. Knowing that the character isn’t alone and has a reason and a support system that she really enjoys. This movie doesn’t have any real connection to me because i’ve never lost a parents before but i know it does have meaning to other people. Most films are supposed to have a meaning and have people create some type of connection with them at least that’s what i believe. I want my film to connect to people. 


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