Genre Research: The Karate kid


The elements that this movie has in the genre i have picked are the storyline of the movie and how it is filmed. A young boy is struggling and trying to find himself and as he tries he gains a mentor. His mentor is hard on him and isn’t just teaching him karate but teaching him life lessons along the way. He takes him under his wing as his own son since the young boy doesn’t have a father in the picture. It is a long journey for him but he really learns how to solve his problems and stand up for himself. What i like about the movie is it takes you on the whole journey through the good and bad. It shows real problems and how its not bad to confront them. This movie shows a healthy way of coping and finding a way to get rid of your anger and other emotions in another form. What did not appeal to me about this movie was i guess maybe the setting it wouldnt be my first choice. Another thing i don’t necessarily like is how the mentor approaches these problems i understand sometimes there is a need of toughening up but i don’t always agree with it. There was lots of violence and the sense if you give up your weak and it wasn’t my cup of tea. Overall i enjoyed the film and what it was about but there are definitely some things i would change. This movie has a great message to spread to a young and old audience all over the world. There were even two versions of this movie that were made which shows how good this movie was made. This is definitely a type of drama people like to watch. It shows someone pull themselves up and make something of themselves no matter what their situation was. 


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