Genre research : Comedy

This project was made in the beginning of the year when i first started this class. This was to help understand the concept of genres. What we did was picked a genre from a list and we had to research and learn about them. The genre i picked was comedy. This wasn't a hard project to do it was so i could learn. I started by researching everything thats needed and key in a movie. First i researched the specific type of lighting and angles that are used. For every genre all the details are very different. I had to look at multiple pictures to see what angles and lighting are used the most.10 Next i studied the movement and Mise-En-Scene used in the comedy genre. It's often that the camera usually follows the character. Depending on the type of comedy the mise-en-scene is either dramatic or very casual. Next i researched about elements, example films, sounds. The elements are what make a comedy movie a comedy. Theres also sound effects in comedy's its what helps lighten up the mood and adds effects to the movie. When you have a fun moment in a movie they usually add an up beat song to that scene and it makes you want to be in the movie with them. When doing this project is was also important i understood what type of movies were comedys so i had to list examples of the movies that were in this genre. Lastly it's important you understand the elements of movies. What you like and dislike and thats exactly what i did. its helps you better understand the genre.


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