Genre Research : Five feet apart

 The element i enjoyed about this movie is how this couple wanted to stop listening to what everyone else told them and listened to themselves. This movie was about a young couple who had a disease called cystic fibrosis. They weren't allowed to go near each other because it would risk them getting an infection. The young lady was very organized with everything she had to do to take care of herself. The young gentleman was the opposite. He had basically given up and didn't really care. He wasn't on top of himself and his care as much as she was. They started getting closer to each other and helping one another with the distance they had to keep between each other which was 6 feet. One day the girl decided she wanted to stop living in fear and take one foot back. They began dating and falling in love. One night a tragic event happened that put the girl at risk and at the end of the movie the guy decided it was best that he left. The girl was devastated but the boy knew deep down you have to take risks and do whats right for the ones you love. This movie was romantic but also dramatic. It had a lot of up and down scenes and for the most part you couldn't predict what was going to happen. Thats what life is you don't know whats going to happen. Most romance movies are predictable and that is not what i enjoy. It takes out the element of surprise knowing what is going to happen next.


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