Intro blog

My name is Zoe zeilmann im in 10th grade and this is my first blog post for this class. I decided to take this class this year because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a little bit. When I saw this as an option I definitely hesitated a bit because I wasn't so sure about it. Film making and movies arent really my thing. I barely like sitting down to watch a movie so I knew this would be interesting. So far I've been in the class for about a month maybe a little more I'm not sure. Ive started to learn a lot and I'm just getting started. The first thing we did was coming up with a message that means something to us and figuring out a way to show it without saying it. We also had to write a reflection on how we came up with it and what we would do differently next time. The next thing we did was learned all of our terms for film making and the different angles, sounds, and the different styles of editing. It was really quite interesting learning about everything. When I started the class I had no idea what it was gonna be like or if I was going to even like it. Now that I've started it I'm really enjoying it. It was interesting on learning about all the different angles there are and how they are filmed and what they are called. I also thought the different ways movies and TV shows are editited was quite interesting because when I reviewed some movie and TV show clips I would have never noticed that there was a disolve effect on my own. I will admit at the beginning like the first week or two I wasn't so sure I wanted to stay in this class. Im glad I decided to stick around I think this is good for me because im going to be doing something new. I'm really excited for whats to come in the future. Im definitely excited for the new projects coming up.


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