introduction to the music video project

 For this music video i am not working with anyone. I will use other people to be in the video but it will be done all on my own. I chose to work by myself because for certain assignments i just work better on my own. I like to be in control for certain things and make sure everything is perfect. I work great with others and all i just feel as if i do my best work on my own. The name of the song that i chose is Sofia by Clairo. Sofia is the girl that the artist is singing about. They have a romantic connection. I personally don't have any special connection to the song. I just enjoy listening to it. I enjoy how it sounds and the way it just makes me feel overall. This song also bring attention to the LGBTQ+ community. It's about two girls who like each other but there are risks. They wont always feel accepted. They're facing their own challenges between the two of them and the ones from the world. LGBTQ+ is a very world wide controversy and everyone feels very differently about it. I like how the music tells their story to help others not feel alone. I listen to a lot of music and although this doesn't have a personal connection attached to me it still means something to me. Spreading awareness in all forms is very important to me.


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