
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming part one

 Over the thanksgiving break when i was supposed to film i ended up going out of town and had none of the resources i needed. So i decided i was going to start filming when i got home. Once i got home my friends and i got together and started the filming process. There was a bit of delay due to me being out of town but we started doing what we could. The filming was a lot more difficult this time because it was more complicated. What we did for the beginning was a shot of two girls walking down on Las olas, enjoying ice cream scared to show affection to each other without being judged. The next shot slowly switched off to a girl and a boy eating ice cream and enjoying themselves having fun. Then the same thing happens in the next shot that happened to the girls but lastly with two guys. Then the next shot was filmed at the park where we filmed everyone watching the stars.  Since the place feels more private and can actually enjoy eachothers company without feeling judged or feeling uns

Planning story board for my music video

  My music video is based off of two girls who are in love with each other but have their problems with the judgement of the rest of the world. I wanted to present their story by including the idea of happiness. I plan on using not only two girls but also a male and female couple and maybe a male and male couple. The way i plan on doing this is certain scenes i switch off the couples but whatever scene that is i keep consistent. I want these scenes to help show a real connection bet.t.tween these people. It's the simple moments that create the most memorable memories. I also want my music video to bring light to real world problems. This is an issue we deal with everyday, many couples apart of the LGBTQ+ community face criticism about this everyday and continue to get hate for it. I want everyone to see that it's okay to be who you are no matter where you are or what you're doing. Although i dont have a connection to this video personally myself i do in a way. I know people

Planning for my music video

 The song i chose was Sofia by Clairo. The props i will be using are people and items like ice cream and different clothing items. Maybe some bikes and soccer balls like they are doing an activity. The costumes will just be two like cute outfits for the appropriate time of day and weather. We live in Florida so its a little hard to get the right type of weather i would want. I would want a cute type of fashion though so maybe skirts and cute tops or some stylish pants and pair them with converse. Im not quite sure if i'm going to use two girls or change it around a little. I plan to use multiple different locations near me. I want to use the park for a some, walk around Las Olas for that late night city effect. I want to also use a little ice cream shop and the street so they ride the bike down the streets.   Schedule:  During the thanksgiving break i plan on filming the most of what i need since i have the time. On the 11/23 i plan on starting my filming process and doing the scen

introduction to the music video project

 For this music video i am not working with anyone. I will use other people to be in the video but it will be done all on my own. I chose to work by myself because for certain assignments i just work better on my own. I like to be in control for certain things and make sure everything is perfect. I work great with others and all i just feel as if i do my best work on my own. The name of the song that i chose is Sofia by Clairo. Sofia is the girl that the artist is singing about. They have a romantic connection. I personally don't have any special connection to the song. I just enjoy listening to it. I enjoy how it sounds and the way it just makes me feel overall. This song also bring attention to the LGBTQ+ community. It's about two girls who like each other but there are risks. They wont always feel accepted. They're facing their own challenges between the two of them and the ones from the world. LGBTQ+ is a very world wide controversy and everyone feels very differently a

Research blog: Music Video Conventions

 SOFIA BY CLAIRO Sofia by Clairo was a song published on July 5th 2019, with her debut album Immunity. The song Sofia is about Clairos first crushes on women in the social media platform. She explains how liking another girl shouldn't feel wrong in the lyric " Sofia, know that you and I  Shouldn't feel like a crime '. She also explains how Sofia should give it a try and to not care about what other people think about them or their relationship. She also states that things could get hard with them both being together but how she'll try as hard as she can to make it work. The song starts describing Sofia by saying she has long hair and how thats one of her favorite traits by romanticizing the lyric. In the song she confesses her love for sofia and states that she'll love her no matter what her decision is and she''l keep wishing she was with her until the end of time. The song is 3 minutes long, but Clairo uses repetition a lot with her lyrics and states

Creative Critical Reflection

How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues ? The conventions my project uses are the types of shots used and the common theme of the entire thing. I use the same type of shots. By either taking a steady shot or doing a pan or zooming in. The whole theme of the commercial is a home feel.  This represents to more of a mature adulting audience who need just an easier and quicker way for things to get done. Most people don't need this but they just choose to do this a certain way. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?  My product engages with the audience by showing simple and normal at home tasks and things people usually do on a regular basis. It would be distributed as real media text by showing the product and the way it was presented to the audience.  How did your production skills develop through this project?  My production skills developed because i used differe

My Commercial

This is my Commercial for Amazon Alexa.  I wanted my commercial to be similar like other amazon commercials. This was quite different for me mostly because I'm not used to doing stuff like this. I had to learn how to edit my clips together and cut them at the right times so i could  add them in at the end. Alexa is used to ask to do simple tasks such as look up recipes, turn off lights, play music and a lot more. Many families have an amazon Alexa in their homes. The specific type of Alexa used was an echo dot which is the smaller version. Lots of people already have an Alexa and it just keeps growing and growing. This device is very helpful to most people and can also do lots of things for them. Many people love using Alexa around the world. Older people often use Alexa as well to help them be reminded of things they have to do or when to take medication. They also use it as a form of calling since they cant always figure out how to use a cell phone. This was also very different c

Filming Blog

 On October 24 I started filming my commercial. Due to some complications i could not film with other people so i needed to make some adjustments. As the director i had to make do with what i had and instead of going to plan B i just changed the way the commercial will be filmed. I did the commercial in a POV perspective so instead of there being actors. Each scene shows the Alexa in a different location and then at the end it returns back to the end of each scene made before. There is no person to be seen in the commercial just the task and Alexa. Since there was no one in my commercial i did not need any costumes or make up. I did have to use props just like i said i would in my planning blog. I got all of the props i wanted to use and set them up accordingly. When filming there was no tripod used mainly because it is supposed to be point of view shots so it just makes sense. All of my shots look the same because it supposed to be a simple form of commercial. The filming overall was